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Butt Implant Recovery

Posted June 01, 2017 in Butt Augmentation, Butt Implant Recovery, Butt Implants

Model Butt

Every major surgery has a recovery period. During recovery, patients typically need to rest and modify their behavior in certain ways. As buttock augmentation with implants is no exception, here is what patients should expect for their butt implant recovery experience. With a healthy recovery and careful observation of all post-surgical instructions, patients can look forward to enjoying their results within just a few weeks of surgery.  

Recovery Timeline

The general recovery timeline after receiving butt implants is two to three weeks. You should plan to take at least two weeks off from work and rest at home as much as possible. Even though you may be able to resume work and light activities after two weeks, bruising and swelling may last for a short while longer.Palladino Patient Butt Implants

No Sitting!

The most important part of any butt augmentation recovery is avoiding sitting. You should refrain from sitting whenever possible (including driving), especially during the early weeks after surgery. Sitting places pressure on the tender, operated-on areas, and sitting during butt augmentation recovery (especially during early recovery) can tug at the incisions and injure the healing tissues. In some cases, the implants may shift slightly from their original position if undue pressure is placed on the buttocks because of sitting during this time.

It is also important to avoid sleeping on your back for the same reason. Plan to sleep on your stomach instead for one week or more. Once it is time to reintroduce sitting, do so gradually and get up to walk around as often as possible. If you work a desk job, consider coming back part time or half time for a week or so before resuming full time. A good butt lift pillow can help you safely and carefully reintroduce sitting without compromising your results.

Pain and Discomfort

Soreness, bruising, and swelling may last for several weeks after butt implant surgery. Prescription pain medications can be taken as needed to ease discomfort during recovery. Pain is usually no longer an issue after a few weeks have passed.

Other Key Points

After butt augmentation, you will need to follow all post-surgical instructions to avoid surgical complications and compromising your results. Your instructions may require caring for the incisions, taking antibiotics, managing surgical drains, and modifying exercise. Light or moderate exercise may be safe to resume one month after surgery, followed a few weeks later by more intense exercise routines if you are ready. The surgical incisions may leave scars, but with careful handling, the scars will likely fade beyond notice. As the recovery period comes to a natural end, you will be able to focus on and enjoy your newly enhanced buttocks. With implants, your buttocks will have a permanently improved size, roundness, and firmness.

Butt augmentation with implants is an excellent choice for women who desire a dramatic buttock boost. Butt implants can permanently enhance the buttocks in a beautiful way. Our plastic surgeon, Magic Surgeon Dr. Humberto Palladino, is experienced in performing this procedure and can answer any other questions you may have about your recovery or surgical experience. Call (866) 624-7874 or complete our online contact form to request your personal consultation today.

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