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The Different Types of Buttock Augmentation with Fat Grafting

Posted June 18, 2014 in Brazilian Butt Lift, Butt Augmentation, Fat Injections, Fat Transfer

The latest trends in Hollywood may surprise you. Butt lifts are the “in” thing these days, and even stars like Kim Kardashian are lining up to maximize their rearview looks! Mostly the twenty and thirty-year olds are among the list of those who want a fuller, rounder derriere and the Brazilian Butt Lift is one way to achieve that beautiful butt!

Without knowing what to ask for, many eager women who want to get a butt like J Lo will bring a picture into the office, asking for a similar butt size. They may want clothes to fit better or just to make the butt feel firmer, rounder and more appealing to their mate. Getting a Brazilian Butt Lift helps many women to feel more confident in clothing, bathing suits or even in regular exercise clothes that are tight fitting.

Here are the different butt augmentations with fat grafting options, as explained in layman’s terms:

Fat Grafting: The Brazilian Butt Lift requires fat grafting, which is drawn from a patient’s own fat stores and reinvested into the butt area to plump it up.

Butt Implants: These are implants made of solid or semi-solid silicone that are designed to be inserted to give the patient a curvier look.

Autoprothesis Butt Augmentation: A brand new procedure that utilizes a person’s own tissue to perform an augmentation, which is also known as a free tissue transfer. This is not related to butt implants except that many people choose to do this procedure at the same time as the butt lift, for convenience sake. In a nutshell, the autoprothesis butt augmentation corrects the entire lower half, such as the butt, legs, abs and lower midsection around the hips.

It is important to be very careful when choosing the right surgeon for a Brazilian Butt Lift or butt augmentation, because if not done right, the results can be deadly. Dr. Humberto Palladino is board certified and a leader in autoprothesis butt augmentations in South Florida.

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