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Say Goodbye to Sun Damage!

Posted July 23, 2014 in Laser Skin Resurfacing, Skin Rejuvenation

When you stay out too long in the sun, you already know it can cause a sunburn. But as you age and mistreat your skin – either by failing to wear proper skin protection or by default – then the resulting discoloration is called hyper pigmentation.

What Hyper Pigmentation?

If you notice any discolored areas that have crept upon your skin, this is caused by an overproduction of melanin. In most cases, this discoloration is harmless, although it can be rather annoying to those who strive to achieve perfect looking and healthy skin. Hyper pigmentation may look like stains, spots or even under eye circles. There is no “cure” for this type of skin discoloration, however there are many options available to treat or reduce the appearance of sun damage to your skin.

How Can Skin Damage be Reversed or Corrected?

Dr. Palladino has many different solutions available to those who wish to treat hyper pigmentation. Skin spots and discoloration treatments can be done with laser treatments, such as:

  • Microlaser Peel: This type of treatment helps to restore and rejuvenate your skin through lasers, which means no incisions are made to the skin. The laser ablates the outer layers of skin to resurface the new skin underneath, giving your skin a healthy glow. We can perform the microlaser peel at three different depths, which will be determined in a consultation with Dr. Palladino. He will tell you exactly how deep it will be necessary to go in order to yield the best results. Another benefit of the microlaser peel is in its ability to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars and to improve your overall skin tone.
  • Profractional: This newer method of treating hyper pigmentation uses a Sciton skin resurfacing technology, also called laser skin resurfacing. This is a great solution for aging skin and can improve elasticity, sagging and fine lines or wrinkles. Many people use the Sciton profractional technique on their face, chest, neck and other visible areas of the skin.
  • Forever Young BBL: This provides excellent results, with minimal downtime. In fact, many people can resume their normal daily routine right away! The “BBL” stands for broadband light technology, which is a truly remarkable treatment that gives your skin a smooth, clear appearance.
  • Advanced IPL: Intense Pulsed Light has become a well-known method of achieving skin damage correction. It is also a laser treatment that can correct skin tone, texture, vascular lesions, acne scars and of course hyper pigmentation.

Skin damage, aging spots and discoloration occurs over a period of time, even if you are fanatical about wearing sunscreen. If you are interested in reversing these annoying signs of aging, contact the MagicSurgeon staff today! We can help you to determine the best treatment available for your skin imperfections. Meanwhile, don’t forget to wear adequate sunscreen and enjoy your summer.

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